Friday, January 6, 2012

What Is

As it sometimes happens, today didn't go the way I wanted - or planned.

Now, I sit in the corner of our couch at 2522, waiting for Chad to get home from a show - not having too much to say, but finding this as good a time as any for an entry.

I was supposed to have a short shift at work, which would leave enough of the night to drive out to Shawnee and settle in. (Yes, I've driven out even later than it is now, before - but I had energy, then. This afternoon was so active and the night was so stressful at work, that I feel more wiped out than I would have anticipated possible.)

And yet... Nieran's nose is tucked to my left, my feet are warmed by the space heater and the rumble of Maize's snoring frequents my right.

At ease, soldier.

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