Monday, February 16, 2009

A morsel

It’s already the middle of February. I can hardly process the idea of that, let alone get excited about it. The single hint of Winter we received actually left me wanting more - and anyone who knows me will appreciate the irony of this. I am always cold. But I figure, if I’m going to be in combat - with layers and space heaters as my corps - it might as well be 100% of the season: blanketed with snow, our overactive lives muffled and our perspectives moved even closer to magic itself. Alas, my continental position and our globe’s warming will probably avail me no such wonders. In fact, we’ve already moved on to tornadoes in Oklahoma.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Here, there and everywhere

I haven’t written in a while, as my friend Julie pointed out. I don’t know, I guess I’ve been processing more than out-putting – and bumming at bit, too - but I also wanted that last post to linger. I subscribe whole-heartedly to the… (idea, philosophy?) of manifestation and co-creation. Actually, I don’t think the word “subscribe” is appropriate… and “believer” doesn’t fit, either - or you could say they both fit, in different ways. It is my reality. My appreciation and practice is based on consistent experiences of success, and I am ever thankful for the knowing. I am more continually balanced, inspired and joyful than ever. The nectar of life sustains me. I loved pulling up my blog: grounded with its black background and illuminated with colors I selected to best represent me, to see a highlighted picture of my smart car. It just made me giddy – and this ignites the process, as well as brightens my spirit. Did any of you have a Lite Bright when you were little? It just struck me that my page looks a lot like one :)

In this time of economic “crisis”, I'm compelled to consider the how’s and why’s of the situation’s existence. Sure, you can fault creditors, corporations, politicians – anyone, really - and find logistical reasons we’re here (overspending, overlending, greed, war); but ultimately, it’s a result of mass consciousness – or lack thereof. Go deeper. What are the basic, emotional and social misinterpretations that have led each of us to participate? No one is exempt – not me, not you; and if you’re having a negative response to my suggestion that you’re a contributor, I even more strongly attest that you are. But keep moving! We all now also have the wonderful opportunity to address these indicators of imbalance and get back to our truths. Love, compassion, purity and wholeness – these are our birthrights. It is the confusions of wealth, need, separation and dividedness that echo from our personal lives into all of humanity – so let’s get to the core and adjust!

While I agree that it is important to learn about and from the situation, by perhaps listening to radio or watching the news – it is of GREAT importance to choose your sources carefully, and monitor your intake. In fact, even the use of the word “crisis” to describe our standing can be re-evaluated to a positive. When you hear this word, it may momentarily inflict panic or stress – woe or depression; but even Webster can provide realignment:

cri·sis : the turning point for better or worse in an acute disease or fever

“Turning point”… “better” OR “worse”! It may seem simplistic or unrealistic, to think that your decision to focus personally will impact society as a whole – but I assure you, it will. Choose “better”! Use the bottom of the pool to push off and accelerate ever so rapidly to the surface. Just because we’re experiencing years of residual thoughtlessness, IT IS NOT NECESSARY THAT IT TAKE THE SAME AMOUNT OF TIME – OR MORE – TO EVOLVE! Surely, our status is acute – but we obviously needed it to be so, in order affect profound change. Any and everything you can do to intentionally realign yourself and your environment will result in ripples of positive affect.

Take time. Give thanks. Be gentle – with yourself and others. Know that you are safe.

Choose love.